Monday, May 4, 2009

That Girl ; She is Divine.

Adlin Atikah Husni. Ah, where shall I began? This annoying little midget whom I glad is finally out of my sight as I can't stand having to block my eyes everytime she's within my visiblity range.

-- Kita petik kata Mubyn ' Jk la you guys. Jk okay? Jk jee. '

Walaupun tahu Adlin takkan sempat baca post ni, rasa macam nak isytiharkan pada seluruh dunia yang gila takda life online je memanjang (Okay, gila terasa) yang Adlin Atikah lah permaisuri yang mampu bertakhta di hati ini *bodoh gila.

Kenal dia waktu darjah 1. Haa, siapa nak pecah record? Bak datang ah. Tapi it isnt as great as it sound sebab kenal dia tuh macam more of a statement than a reality of mine. Dia sama kelas time darjah satu. Kita ingat pun sebab ada 3 orang nama Atiqah dalam kelas tu, so Adlin don't think this is something significant, it's not. *petik kata Mubyn lagi.

Tak rapat pun all through elementary school. Tak kisah pun apa dia buat, dia patah kaki ke kahwin lari ke. Tak kisah langsung. Then came Form 1, the year that changes both of our lives, literally, because that was the year Adlin's infatuation towardss me grew and I just can't handle it I had to get a restraining order. ( Who says I'm incapable of being dramatic?) THe truth is though, rapat dengan Adlin sebab sama bas and *coughs* Adlin ada some sort of *icantfindtheexactword* on this really lame guy on the bus and one thing leads to another, kitorang pun rapat. Nothing special, no kiss in the rain. No declaration of love on the Coffee Station. I am not Seth Cohen, people.(sumpah that came out randomly) Adlin suka gila group 15, dialah orang yang paling semangat sangat (kesalahan tatabahasa! takpa, ni some futuristic sort of hiperbola). Oh and Adlin read books. Sometimes, I read her books in advance as she is so slow ( tapi tak slow macam Dona lah). To be frank, I'm only using her to get by the books. *petik kata Mubyn lagi sekali. Tak tau lah macam mana nak describe Adlin only it has been fun laughing with and at her. Its probably one of the major reason I go to school everyday. (Terharu Adlin kalau dia baca ni)

Sayang Adlin walaupun awak bagitahu kita Jacob is a werewolf, Sayang Adlin walaupun adik dia lagi sayang kita, Sayang Adlin walaupun awak selalu lambat naik bas, Sayang Adlin walaupun dia lupa beli paper cup time reunion, Sayang Adlin walaupun dia lembik gila kena cubit sikit dah sakit, Sayang Adlin walaupun awak suka jiran awak tu (Oops, terbocor rahsia) and last but not least Sayang Adlin sebab setiap saat kita berjauhan, bayangan wajahku terbayang bayang di sinaran matamu bagaikan memujuk dirimu untuk tidak merindui ku. (Haha, siapa baca novel melayu sekarang?)

benci sri puteri sebab ambil kawan kawan yang minat membaca. Ambil lah yang loser duduk melanguk tepi jalan tu je, tak ke banyak sikit pahala?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

What Becomes of A Broken-Hearted?

Why, Hello there. I've just awaken from the dead. Its good to be alive again.

Pop quiz time ;

What happens when you don't post for a week?

The blog becomes :
A: abandoned
B: isolated
C: neglected
D: all of the above.

Enough about that, I just pre-ordered Lock and Key US Paperback version, woot. I can't wait I can't bloody wait shit I am so not kidding I am serious you see I'm serious I'm serious I'm se-- what the hell? Of course I can wait. Patience is my middle name. *barfs*

Sometimes I think this world is lacking of good keeper guys. Not the goalkeeper. Trust me, one is enough especially if he's living under the same roof. I meant the kind of guy you'd want to bake cookies and make fruit cobblers to. We all should go and watch The Good Guy and learn from there. While we're at it, us girls can totally ogle over Scott Porter (he's moderate though Kitsch, ahhh Kitsch. I can't remember why I hated him in FNL.) What the hell am I talking about? I don't even remember what The Good Guy is all about. Isn't it the movie with Alexis Bledel and Aaron Yoo? I think it is. Hmm *mind scrolling...* Nope. Can't recall. Yeah yeah. I suck, big deal.

Okay. I need to be taller. I mean that, big time!! 3 cm wouldn't hurt would it? Seriously. 5'7 isn't asking too much kan? I like being tall. It makes me feel less vulnerable than I already am. Now, everyone seems to be towering above me. Is this another way for life to show me that I'm running out of things to mention in my best feature? I'm getting shorter by the second, pimples are all over my face especially on the forehead (the one place I actually prided over being smooth), I found out that my noes are actually crooked. Way to make my day.

Oh Ray, give me some sugar. I've recently remembered how much I love Sugar Ray despite its crazy lead singer with all those tattoos. When It's Over and Someday is an all-time favourite. Sometimes, I would find myself living in the past. Seriously.

Come to look at it : I prefer Desktop Computer than Mini Laptops. I prefer old Britney than New Britney. I prefer Ipod Classic than Ipod Nano. I prefer books than audiobooks.

and those are just to name a few. I'm one old fashioned bitch. How I wish I was born in the 1930's. Okay, that is for no particular reason. It came out randomly, so excuse my mistake.

Why why, I have to go. Beauty sleep awaits. *coughs*