Monday, September 22, 2008

can you hear my heart breaking?

because it is. it's falling apart. The only cure, the only one who can put the pieces back up together would be the sight of the Walker family on TV. babi bodoh bangang tunjuklah season2 aku nak tgk kitty kahwin aku taknak tgk desperate housewives yang 8tv dah tunjuk sebab kau lembab sgt skrg tunjuk je lah brothers and sisters babi lah starworld konon hot ah. you'r watching starrworld. WTF? go rot in hell. In US, they will be airing the THIRD SEASON!(!) on Sept 28. Yet here I am, still in agony waiting for those stupid pathetic brainless people to air season 2.

I miss Senator Robert Mccalister and Kitty Walker. Oooh, and the cute gay Scottie. And Sarah of course. Sarah. Sarah. Sarah. I just loooooooove her. Brothers & Sisters makes me cry (laugh all you want). It just touches you in the heart. It has this 'movie moment' every episode. Sometimes even three 'movie moments' in one episode. Not that I trust movie moments in movies or shows because I think they're messing with our emotion. Its like there's the music and the lighting so that the scene would be very tragic and heart rending and therefore become a 'movie moment'. I prefer 'movie moments' in a book. Because when you read, its just you and the words. No help from the music, from the expression of the actor and all those phony stuffs. And when you reach to the point where what you read twists your heart and just makes you a bit *mooshy* that's when you know it's a 'movie moment'. And boy do Brothers & Sister have movie moments.

Conclusion of that one whole paragraph ; I LOVE BROTHERS & SISTERS( the tv show not the real thing)

also, I'm in love with the dress Kitty wore at the Season finale for Season 1. It's so pretty, for me. I know it's not a big deal, just a simple dress. But I love it. I'm not that easy to actually like dresses and all, so this is something. and that cardigan too. it's lovely. oh hell, what's with me? the next thing you know i'm going to tune along with Baby V. (yucks, yucks, yucks. vomit. gag.)

p/s; Kitty is the one wearing that white dress in case you're fashion blind like me (i'm not that bad now) and mistaken Nora's trenchcoat for a dress.

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