Monday, September 29, 2008

Is life what you make it?

i am thinking of another haircut or maybe a blowdry? Oh No! I'm damaging my hair with heattt. but since my hair is pretty much damaged, why not go all the way right? I absolutely loathe it when people ask me why I don't do rebonding. Maybe there's a part of me that still have some faith in my hair that if I actually take good care of it, it's going to be my shining glory. plus, there's this other part of me saying I should be proud to have a natural hair although messy and wild rather than straight or curly hair with the help of chemicals. Either way, deep down inside I love my hair. But that doesn't mean that most of the time I don't just feel like going bald.

Raya shopping is finally over and god knows how glad I am. This year is more frustrating than the previous years. This year, I made up my mind and decided to go along with Mak Uda and not block out every idea she has. And hell what did it did to me? I had to try on every baju kurung she could get her hands on. Of course, at one point I even considered being cranky like last year. But since I was being optimistic or die trying, I became an angel *fluttering my eyelashes* and finally after a long search for my baju kurung(this time, finally not my fault) we found one that isn't as expensive as the one we were thinking of buying due to desperation. My sister was being tick for tack and she was outrageous when she found out I bought 4 tops while she only bought 2.(teya, rahsia kitorang dah bocor. aku dah ckp dah dia akan nmpk gak beg MNG tu) But luckily, 4 of my tops plus my baju kurung and the jeans I bought still doesn't outnumbered the price she bought for her baju kurung, her 2 tops and a tights. Anyway, I am pleased because I bought long sleeves shirts like I was planning to. Thank god one thing actually went according to the plan.

Raya spirit is seriously getting to my father. I woke up at 1230(thank Cipah for telling me the time) and never got the chance to get down yet when my father called and said something about putting the 'pelita's' in if it rains. So of course, curiosity took over me and I went downstairs to find 6 pelita stuck on the ground of the garden. Not that its much of a garden. The only person who dares to take care of the garden is Mummy, and occasionally Daddy when Mummy bugs him about being a lazy ass and subtly added that gardening helps most people lose weight. Ah, How could he resist then? Sadly, now that no one is nagging about gardening, the garden turned from a piece of beauty to patches of grass and a whole lot of dead roses and tulips and lilys and wild branches growing out. Maybe I should take up gardening? Hmm. That's possible.

Oh yeah, did I mentioned that Sunday was hell? I slept at 2am due to forcing my little brother who was as energetic as if he had just woke up from a half a day of sleep while I tried my best not to fall asleep. After I did fall asleep, I then again woke up for Sahur only to realise that Qistina told me the day before that she wants to go at 730. So at 630 I woke up and stood under the shower for what seems like a lifetime and by 7 I was wearing fresh clothes and clean undies. Although that didn't stop me from dozing off for a while. After Kasturi, I went home with the hope of lying down on my bed and maybe get a taste of beauty sleep for a few hours. Of course my heaven was spoiled when my sister asked me to follow her because she wanted to go to Nichii in search of the gladiator that she just 'hadddd to have'. Me, being the sweetest sister anyone could ever asked for just shrugged and brought The Trouble with Valentine's Day just in case I got bored. Turns out, it was a real good help. Anyway, we went to Nichii only to get our heart break (me ; to having to hear my sister talk non-stop about it. my sister ; not getting the gladiator, obviously). I was ever so glad that at last we could get home when my sister declares that she wants to go to Bangsar. I moaned but of course, she ignored me. We eventually get to Bangsar and I was considering staying in the car while she carried on with her search but then my plan was sidetracked with a sight of this strange looking man walking back and forth of the sidewalk near to where my sister parked the car. So I got out of the car and forced myself up and down the stairs of Purpledotz, Cats Whiskers, Mooie and some others I don't remember. We still couldn't find that one particular thing and decided to head home.At last, home sweet home. I slept at 1030 and damn, it was pure heaven. I don't know why I bother telling you guys this but perhaps because I want to tell you how tortured I was yesterday and how much I loathe walking around into shops.

Oh, and my feet has grown and I am now officially a size 8 and a half/ 9. If I didn't feel like a giant before, I sure as hell do now.

p/s; while I was signing in on Blogger, I saw this blog with the title "Slap my Pussy". Is it just me or does that title suggest a bit of dirty things?

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