Thursday, September 25, 2008

you go reverse, i go forward.

doesn't it just bugs you when you're halfway (or in my case 99% -can you believe it?) on downloading something and its stuck. Just like that. Stuck in the past. never moving forward. I know i'm talking rubbish,but humor me. Its making me have this urge to click that cancel button so that it won't frustrate me but I know better. Wait, do I? Well. Lets leave that behind, and move on. update; it's already 100% and installing. oh, i didn't mention what I was downloading did I ? I'm re-downloading windows live messenger. HAHA. what a sucker? tell me about it. how dare MSN says I have forgotten my password? How could I? When it's such a easy one. I use it everyday. I write it on paper everyday. It's my identity. It's given by my own parents. It's my proud... Oops. Too much information.

My little brother is being such a sissy. He's afraid going to the kitchen alone. As if a serial killer would somehow appear from behind him threatening him to not scream or he'll kill the whole family, or maybe he's afraid of the boogieman. Sigh. Boys, who needs them? i could do so much better without them. -please excuse me, this is the ego talking- back to the girl you absolutely adore (clue; you're reading her blog) she's getting pretty pissed off with this whole MSN thing. what is so haarddddd about signing in? ah well, somehow this is making me feeling a bit hot and I know exactly what will make me better. WIKIPEDIA! yey. Hmm, what shall I wiki today? I'm thinking about something like hmm.. ya know? why should I bother telling you about this? Screw you guys. I'm going to wiki anything I want, and I ain't telling you. HAH!

Oh, the new chairs have finally arrive. *clappy* and the sofa too. The sofa is well, I'm speechless. it's not the same cloth as I was expecting. So, Liyy was right. It's the different cloth and the same woodwork. I prefer the old one if you ask me. This is more of a stronger colour. Well, i don't know. The maid thinks its nice, but come on I don't really expect her to have the same taste with me. Right? Anyway, Daddy went over-board and bought 8 dinner chairs instead of 6. So now it's a bit crowded. But I think I might get used to it. The chairs I mean. The sofas well, might take a longer time. But I'm being cautiously optimistic so all the faith in me, right?

This year, I'm going green. In fact, my whole family is going green! technically. Our Raya colour this year is green. Plus the new sofa is also green. Does it still count even if the old one is green too? I'm not entirely going green as in deciding to become a vegeterian or a fruitarian, I'm not ready to give up my McD's and KFC. But who knows? Maybe someday. A girl can dream.

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