This is the 50th post for this blog. You would've thought I wrote something more judging by the hours I spend stuck infront of this computer.
Gud Moron -(pronounced Good Morun) that's Good Morning in Swedish. When I was at Sweden, we say that every morning and crack up everytime too. I mean seriously, Moron? Haha. Though in Sweden, they have these words where J is actually Y, like for example this cruise ship I took from Swed to Fin, Silja Line. It's actually pronounced as Silya Line. You get what I mean? You don't? Well, boohooo. Don't come and cry on my shoulder. You know? I wanna watch Prom Night. There's Scottie Mchottie in there! (now i sound like Izzie) but I already know what's the ending and overall, how the story goes. Yeah, thanks Wikipedia. (sarcasticly)
How was your day? Mine wasn't that bad. Today was one of that day, where I couldn't think of anything better than dozing off in my bed, waking up to the sound of birds chirping around, the wind blasting through my hair, sniffing the scent of pancakes baking. Oh, how would I kill for that day to come. Today was different. Today was one of a kind. I wouldn't say it wouldn't happen again, who knows right? But it's definitely not one I'd commit to memory purposely.
I woke up to the sound of Daddy knocking on my door. I ignore him, as I usually do until it came to mind that I had a wedding to attend today. Nothing interesting happened for the next one hour. Ahhah, Now the highlight of the story. Pay attention-as if- Daddy stopped at the Tapah r&r because Zaim had to pee. I didn't really mind as I feel like peeing too. But I had this weird feeling. As if suddenly I ran out of breath. I was gasping for air. Okay, okay. Exaggeration. But I did had a weird feeling tho. Then Daddy told me this was the place where I once got lost. I slammed the door back, and put on my seatbelt. I was this close, (indicating a one inch part) to Trauma. I already opened the door, one foot on the ground. All I had to do was lift up my bum and walk five step where Trauma comes and haunt me again. By the time we reached the wedding, Ive already finished up one whole tissue box. I was having a flu, you see. It was 1 o'clock and I haven't eaten yet. The groom just arrived, so we had to walk behind him, and you know how FAST they walk, with the kompang and all. I didn't brought my handphone -as I didn't want to bring a handbag and If I bring my phone,well.. (you see where I'm getting?ok)- and my watch so I had nothing to play with. In case you dont know, I either play with my watch or my phone whenever I get bored. Daddy promised me that we only had to eat,and show our face, then we can go. While I was on my way to where the food was, I saw this girl from my school, Najwa. She saw me too, but I turned quickly, pretending I don't know her. Do I sound mean? It's just its better pretending rather than smiling and start an awkward conversation. I'm saving everyone the trouble. Plus, I'm a good pretender. While I was eating, my fever started acting up. The sun which was practically glaring towards me wasn't much help. Neither was the music.The music. Oh, the music. It was blasting to my ear, and it wasnt the kind of music I enjoy either. Daddy came and saw I was trying to keep up with all these noises and told me to follow him. Of course, Haziq followed as well. We sat at a corner, where a family was talking so loudly, no one would've noticed if someone just screamed at the top of their lungs. We waited for Daddy, which for every second that pass, seems like a year to me. I was frowning all the time, I can swear people think that's really how my face looks like. Anyway, after 15 minutes, I went straight to the car and slept like a baby till we reached KL again. Now, I'm infront of the computer, posting a blog while listening to Atreyu and wearing a baju kurung, alone in the house.
Oh, how was your day?
Taa, darlings.
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