Thursday, March 19, 2009

Now, Don't Go Off Running Just Yet.

There I was, relieved that I could somehow run from the frenzy of familiar faces until I saw that annoying fag from Ampang, waving his arm frantically. A greeting, perhaps? Or is he really just excited to see me? Me, and my famiy that is. All that's left to it. Oh shit. I feel so embarassed that I might even give up eating sushi if it means no one will recognize me. What were the odds that this guy, this mo (if I could say so judging from his thick mascara, and constant hand gestures) from Genting would be transferred back to Klcc's. I mean, what? Is this some sign to say that I've been eating way too much sushi? Blame my little brother on that. But, I get enough of that in Ampang and Jusco AU. Now I need to get it at Klcc too? And to make matter worse, he actually sat with us and chatted up. As if he were our long-lost cousin from Beirut. What could a girl at the peak of adolescent stage could do but to slouch and slink back on her seat, willing that she was Sabrina The Teenage Witch and could dissapear. Adding insults to injury was that when I looked up, I saw the guy opposite of me. At the kaiten, was that guy who worked at Ampang too. He, of course did some chatting of his own with my father. Who looks like he's enjoying all that attention. Gosh, the moment of terror. I can't really complain, though. It is a father's job to embarass his kids, right? Wasn't it in some guide book on parenting for dummies?

Enough about that. I can't wait for Wolverine ; The Origin. Not much excited about seeing Hugh Jackman as I am about Taylor Kitsch. I wasn't a huge fan of him as say, Sarah Dessen. There was just something distant that didn't make me connected with his alter ego, Tim Riggins in FNL. But ZOMG, he was mighty fine in the trailer. Chris Pine was a sight for sore eyes in Star Trek, that is true. Not the greatest fan, watching Blind Dating changed that for me. He has potential.

Now I feel like I'm cheating on Gaspard. How can I forget him? With his translucent skin, dreamy eyes. His gaze sears into my soul.


I actually sound like a normal teenager, wouldn't you say?

p/s; I bought The Hunger Games. In your face!

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