Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hey, Im like. What's with the like?

Have you ever felt guilty about saying something but you just can't help it because you know, youre right? That you actually deserve this? That all that hard work, You ought to get it. Its so unfair. You want this, you never asked for anything. You never expect everything. You need this. This is your saving grace. And they're like doing every fucking way to not let you have it. They're like they rather get shot in the head than to see you get what you deserve.

Picture this, if you can. two dumb blondes sharing their so called life problem.

a: I'm like whats their problem?
b: I'm like, I so can relate.
a: You're like we so do not deserve this.
b: No. I'm like I so want to kill them.
a: I'm like, can I join?
b: Like, yeah. You like have a gun?
a: No. Gun is so overrated. We can like, stab them?
b: Omg, you're like. Soo brill.
a: I know, I'm like Dalai Lama.
b: Wow. So, what's like Dalai Lama?
a: Uh, I like have no idea. Good name though right?
b: Yeah, you're like so cool.
a: Uh, can I say like duh?
b: Only if I can say like, hell yeah.
c: Hoi, you shitface-s. Come on, we're late.
b: Urgh. I hate him he's so like HIM.
a: O-M-G. He's not. He's like so O-M-G.
b: you mean, like O-M-G, like really?
a: Like, hell yeah. Check out that ass.
b: I don't like see where you're going.
a: Come on, look at that. Tell me that's not like the greatest thing?
*checks out C's ass*
b: You're like so right.
a: I know, right?
c: You coming or what?
a: We're like, comingggggg.
b: He's mine, backoff.
a: I'm like the one who told you about the ass?
b: Hey, (calls C) (C turns) can we like grab your ass?
a: I can't believe you actually, like said that.
c: Only if I can, like grab yours.
*c grins*

the end

just a phase, just a phase.

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